Sunday, February 13, 2005

On Branding and Design

I believe that design is effective only when it serves the purpose and objective of the Client. In order to do that, it is the designer’s responsibility to immerse, saturate, internalize and find the soul of the Client’s brand. Only when he knows the brand like the palm of his hand, can he design something that will be effective.

I believe that thinking comes first before designing. Creativity comes from thinking, not from skills in using Macintosh or illustrating or photography.

I believe that design should not talk to the Client nor to fellow designers, instead it should talk to the appropriate target market and trigger RESPONSE. A work that doesn’t trigger reaction (whether good or bad) is useless and a complete waste of time.

I believe that design is not the end-all and be-all of branding. Branding should be a collaboration, a smooth choreography of well-executed strategy, performed both by the designer and the Client.


At 10:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »


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